Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Whatever Wednesday:Cap & Bucky Commission

Here are the thumbnail sketches for another one of the commissions I took on back in December.

These pencils ended up being a little tighter than I had planned, since I wanted to make sure everything was true to the period, but still loose enough to have a fun time inking.
Speaking of inks, here's the finished piece.

Thanks again, Chris!


Dan C said...

I dunno, someone may have already mentioned this to you, but if not...

You draw real good, Chris.

Fantastic illustration. The high points for me are the details on the Nazi uniforms, Cap's gloves and the vibe of psychotic glee I'm getting off of Bucky's face.

Great job!

Anonymous said...

the level of detail in this commission is astounding. i also love the expressions of both characters... cap is completely serious while bucky just seems to be enjoying himself. also, the human torch in the background is a very nice touch!

-andy v.

Alan said...

I love the initial thumbnail -working out the possible arrangement of shadow. And the finished piece is brilliant. I like the way you've rendered the edge of the shield, not as a hard line - suggests movement.

Brian Jones said...

Stunning! One of your best! Cap and Bucky never looked better.

Anonymous said...

VERY cool! Great to see the process. So much detail and tone. Great job.

Matt W. said...

Oh, man. As much as I need to see you on a regular Batman book, this commission makes me think that a Cap book would be right up your alley. I agree with Dan and Andrew about the superb facial characterizations/body language and Brian about this being one of your all-time bests. Just amazing!

Anonymous said...

Very nicely done, sir. You are a credit to your profession.

I love Cap & Bucky -- I wish Marvel would have someone do a WWII story feauturing them (with or without the Invaders) similar to the Sgt. Rock stories DC has been doing: high quality, serious approach...

The tease I got off some of Brubaker's issues in the last year or so just makes me want it more.