Thursday, March 12, 2009

Technicolor Thursday: She-Hulk

I tried to color this in Photoshop earlier in the week but it was such a disaster I dare not put it out there for all the internets to see. Instead you get this little number done in Prismacolors and a white colored pencil.


Alan said...

Brilliant She-Hulk; you really got her. Beautifuly executed line-weights too.

Matt W. said...

Prisma colors all the way! The texture of her skin and outfit is really enhanced by the use of the prisma colors and colored pencil. The (viewer's) right side of her costume looks tangible, as a result, and really gives off believable semi-reflective highlights. That purple really POPS. Fantastic, sir!

Anonymous said...

Excellent She-Hulk, that is my favorite outfit for her..(or her FF uniform).
Great stuff, can't wait to see you in KC...
