This is The Beast's current incarnation... or at least my best approximation.
Beast's outward appearance started out as just a regular dude with big hands and feet. Later, his entire body was covered in a grey fur (soon to be replaced by blue). One of his more recent changes was becoming even more cat-like... with big ol' kitty paws and a face that just makes you want to take him home and spoil him with cat-nip toys.
His mutation is currently in flux. You can read more about the Beast, whether you prefer hairless or fuzzy, HERE.
Awesome. I've never been a huge X-Men fan, but always loved Hank McCoy from his Avengers days. I like this version of him quite a bit. Nice work, as always!
At the risk of sounding like a sychophant, I've got to say that this is the best rendition of Beast's new look that I've seen. Quitely did a really great job updating his look, but, for me, this is the definitive version of the new design. Great feral posing and wonderful balance between the man and the monster.
I love it! Glad to see that you are going to be at Emerald City, by the way. Gabriel and I will be there too!
What Matt said. I also like how there is a certain intelligence apparent in his face too, not just the snarling ferocity you often see with this character.
Cool drawing and thanks for the link. I wasn't reading comics when they decided to change his appearance, so nice to finally know the story behind it.
I have a soft spot for original Hank McCoy. But this is a great drawing
(PS: FYI: The security word verification for this comment was 'groper' heheh)
Very reminiscent of Cassaday's take, but also very much you as well.
Best rendition of the Beast I have seen in along time. Good job Chris!
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