Thursday, February 05, 2009

In-Samnee-acs: Black Canary

I actually did a few too many sketches for Kick Ass Females Week, so Black Canary here is actually a hold over from that. Luckily she fits into both themes pretty well:)


Fred said...

Damn..... nice piece, though my second thought after seeing it was wondering how much you alocate for black ink supply funds on an annual basis.

erica said...

That's AWESOME! how you showed the Canary Cry!!

Matt W. said...

You can almost feel her fury. Awesome!

Alan said...

A humdinger - another great 'special effect' Looks like you used a bit of white-out here and there

Anonymous said...

whoa!!!this is so damn cool i think it just popped my ear drum!!!dude you've been slaying these posts as of late...slay on slayer!!!!

Brian Jones said...

Great energy! I agree you (and Canary) are really tearing it up!