Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Whatever Wednesday: Sleeper Commission pencils & inks

I posted the thumbnail sketches for this piece a while back, but here are the pencils and finished inks for you folks that've been following along at home.
Thanks again, Simon.


Alan said...

Always love to see pencils and inks. This is a great montage, with some lovely blacks.

Mostly I'm posting to say thanks, Chris, very much for my competition gift: a great drawing of the Shadow, which arrived in the post yesterday. I was thrilled to get it and will treasure it. Also, it's great to see one of your drawings in the flesh, so to speak, to get a better sense of your mark-making.

Matt W. said...

This is a great montage, Chris. Spot-on characterizations.

Anonymous said...

Another great piece!

Now I really need to re-read Sleeper...

Dave Jones said...

Wow...that is awesome!!

Brian Jones said...

Very nice!