Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Super Tuesday: MTU #66 Commission

One of my more recent commission was a re-invisioning of Marvel Team-Up #66. Above are the thumbnail sketches.

Here's the pencils

And the finished piece.

Thanks again, Fred


Alan said...

Great to see the stages. The finished piece is fantastic. The greys: is that all dry brush or is there sime graphite here and there?

Chris Samnee said...

Glad you like seeing the process stuff, Alan.
A few spots of grey were dry brush but the majority of it was done with a china marker.

Fred said...

This looks great on the monitor, but it doesn't hold a candle to how mind-blowingly amazing it looks in real life! The entire piece impresses, though the shading/grey effects are incredible. One of the gems of my collection! Thanks Chris!

Matt W. said...

I've been in awe of this piece since Fred first posted it on CAF. It's really cool to see how the process evolved. I love the tight, clean linework you used on Spidey's costume, and I've alway had a soft spot for that version of Captain Britain's costume. Great implied narrative and a really potent depiction of Murderworld. Just stunning!

Brian Jones said...

Great commission and really like your take on Spidey!

Matt said...

If you don't mind my asking, how much does a piece like this generally cost?

Arcade's my favorite Marvel villain and I love your take on the character.

Chris Samnee said...

@Matt - This piece was done four years ago. I have no idea how much I would charge for an 11x17 commission now, as I don't have time to do them anymore.