Work is finally completed on my first ever solo sketchbook, so to celebrate - we're having a contest! The sketchbook consists of 48 pages of black and white sketches and commissions, many of which have appeared right here on this very blog! I'll be selling it at conventions this year, along with my
prints. One lucky blog reader will receive not only a copy of my new sketchbook, but also a three volume set of
Lunchnotes mini-comics that Laura has put together!
Contest Rules:
1. To enter all you have to do is leave a comment to this post telling me what currently published book you would most like to see me draw.
2. You may enter only ONCE on this blog. You may also enter ONCE on Laura's
Lunchnotes blog.
3. You have until 11:59 p.m. on Friday, June 12th to enter.
4. Winner will be chosen by random number generator and will be announced on Monday, June 15th!
Thanks for your support and Good Luck!
Brave and the Bold....Love your Batman and would love to see you take on other characters....kinda why I like this Blog.
X-Factor, you do wonderful with crimish noir stuff.
Grendel. Especially some Hunter Rose stories. That would make me so, so happy.
Green Arrow/Black Canary
I'll second Eric!'s Brave & the Bold suggestion for the exact same reason. Chris, will you be selling your sketchbook on here?
Detective Comics (of course!)
I'd love for your to work on Dynamite's Zorro!
I'm super excited about the sketchbook! The cover looks awesome, Chris!!
...Can't wait to see the content inside!!!
How about you working on "Criminals" with Brubaker (as much I like Sean Phillips art, you'd be just as effective in tone and storytelling).
The Spirit! Your flare for the noir, sense of humor, and creative layouts would be perfect for taking up the Eisner torch!
i would love to see you do X-Factor as well
The Walking Dead...nuff'said
That sketchbook looks Fantastic!
Detective Comics would be pretty spectacular, but I also really like someone's suggestion of The Spirit.
Personally, after last week, I'd love to see you on Green Lantern!
I am also going to vote for X-Factor. You did a great Madrox commission for me and everybody who sees it asks why isn't Samnee doing X-Factor? (For some reason they must think that I'm the editor of the book!)
Queen & Country. FOREVER! Really, anything spy or crime related (if only Gotham Central weren't cancelled...)
Even though it makes no sense since Darick Robertson is co-creator, but I'd love to see your crack at The Boys. You've got the chops for the series' noir-feel, but can also handle the superheroics with ease.
That being said, I'm sad that Checkmate is no longer being published because your fill-in there was simply astounding.
For me, Hellboy immediately comes to mind. You and Mignola both have a great sense of light and dark.
An Angel (from buffy) series from IDW. While the stories have been good for the most part, the art hasn't always been on par with the writing. You would rock an Angel story.
I think you'd be great on Punisher
argghh, It's hard to come up with one choice. umm, How about Iron Fist? Yeah that could work. Iron Fist.
Wow, that cover looks amazing, Chris.
As for what I'd love to see you draw, Batman's such an obvious choice so I will say The Spirit.
I love my son because he kisses whatever boo boos I might have.
Moon Knight, without a doubt.
I have to agree on the Spirit. Superhero wise I'd have to go Daredevil, as your Tranantula one-shot was great.
On a side note, it was nice to meet you this weekend at the show in Bridgeton. It's a shame you didn't have these sketchbooks there (and if you did, it's a shame I missed them). I dig my 50's sci-fi print though.
Has to be Green Lantern.
I'd love to see you working on Hellblazer! I think your style definitely lends itself to that book!
I'd love to see you do Scalped. Tell me that wouldn't rock.
another vote for Jonah Hex
my runner up is 100 Bullets
My vote is for Tales from the Crypt. I hate to insult, but the current book isn't all that hot. And for me it's a fantastic property. Of course there would need to be some help with the writing as well.
CURRENT Title? Secret Warriors! You drawing Nick Fury and SHIELD going after Strucker and Hydra would be so fanatastic!
DREAM Title? Suicide Squad! That would rock even more, but, there is no current book =(
I would love to say the Mighty forever and ever and ever. If that continues, solid gold.
Beyond that:
Daredevil. Daredevil Daredevil Daredevil.
Also: Sin City. Truthfully. Your use of blacks would be fantastic there.
You MUST do a run on Daredevil someday!
Sean Phillips can't draw Criminal forever right? I'd love to see you on that book!
I think you'd do a fantastic Hellboy/BPRD book.
Something Saturday Morning cartoony, like Battle of the Planets.
Though I totally concur with some previous suggestions: Bats, Spirits, Lantern
Your Batman Daredevil drawing is my wallpaper right now. I love it. I would love to see you on Daredevil. Your work is so clean and dark. You would be perfect 8)
Captain America--especially if it could be in black and white.
it'd be great to see you on a well written punisher story... (but looking forward to the mighty as well =)
BPRD -- in glorious black and white
Punisher origin story. Black & White; the tone growing ever darker as the lighting changes and the character evolves. Very organic with a loud splash of red when his family is killed.
Daredevil. Definitely, Daredevil. Or if, God forbid, something happened to Guy Davis, then I'd like to see you doing BPRD.
This is easy. The answer is Amazing Spider-Man, and Chris, you'd be drawing a 6 to 12 issue story arc involving a showdown between Spidey and the Kingpin. Actually, seeing you draw ANY of Spider-Man's rogues would be quite awesome, but the Kingpin has that noirish, brooding feel to him that you capture so impeccably with your pen. I would vote to have the story arc in black and white. I would also vote to have only myself gain access to purchases of original pages.
i'd love to see you on justice society of america, because of your love of dc comics and its history.
but i have to agree with nathan t... if gotham central were still coming out, that book would suit your style perfectly!
i'd love to see you on JSA, due to your love of DC Comics characters and their history.
but, i also have to agree with Nathan T... if Gotham Central were still being published, you would rock that book! it was perfectly suited to your style!
I think you should draw Daredevil!
I would love to see you doing (in a perfect world) an issue of the "Invisibles"
Greg Rucka's QUESTION with Renee Montoya! Your style would be perfect for that series.
Would love to see you on a revival of 'His name is... Savage'.
Long time lurker...
Daredevil would be great! I'd love to see your take on the greatest fictional character ever, Dakota North!
Captain America! You and Brubaker would be magic. This is a great ensemble book with great characters like Black Widow, Falcon, and Sharon Carter.
X-factor is one of my favorite series but the art has been up and down, you on the book would be amazing.
I'd like to see you on Hellblazer.
THose blacks and great use of negative spacing would be wonderful for a Phantom comic. Whether it's in the jungle or city, you could def pull it off well.
I think you on the Goon would be incredible
Thanks everyone for entering! Contest is now closed!
story of my life! HA!
I'm glad i found your blog man, you've gotta ton of great work here. I'll be checking it regularly.
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